Ravna Skadi

Skogrgaetir, R/W Mage, Reaper, hunter, and finder of lost artifacts

Ravna Skadi

Who Is...?

DetailsName: Ravna Skadi
Race: Viera - Veena
Nameday: 20th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Guardian: Thaliak
Age: 56 (20ish human age)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Profession: Retrieving magical artifacts
Birthplace: Redacted
Residence: Crystal, Mateus

Ravna Skadi


Ravna birth place is a bit of a mystery to her, but she recalls spending most of her time in the forest surrounding her village growing up. When her older sister disappeared she started spending even more time on her own in the forest, looking for clues to her sister’s whereabouts.
One day she chanced upon a suspicious robed character meeting with a group of adventurers. Little did she know that she was witnessing a meeting between forces that would shape her future. Trying to eavesdrop on them and see their faces, she got too close and was caught up in the spell that sent them, and her, to Eorzea.
Ravna regained consciousness outside Gridania, most of her memories gone. She joined the Conjurer’s guild and took up adventuring, looking for clues about her past and getting caught up in all critical events of Eorzea. Having no friends or family she naturally gravitated to The Scions and came to think of them as her new family. While not a Scion herself, she does get included in a lot of what they work on.
Bit by bit, quest by quest, some memories have returned and Ravna feels more herself. There is still lots to learn but she is feeling more connected to her past now than she has in years.
Having spent a lot of time alone in nature Ravna is shy and feels uncomfortable with crowds. However, she is fiercely loyal to her friends and happy to socialize in small groups.
Since she was a child she has had a strong affinity for magic, and in Eorzea she took to Red magic for the mix of healing and elemental damage.
Of the Scions Ravna feels closest to Urianger, seeing in him something that reminds her of her family.

Ravna Skadi

RP Hooks

First and foremost, Ravna is a guardian of nature. Should the equilibrium of nature be in danger Ravna will drop everything to restore it. Her first love is the forest, and the spirits that maintain and sustain it.
Artifact Retrieval
Ravna has over the years specialised in retrieving magical artifacts. Sometimes they have been looted from sacred sites, others only know in myth and legends.
Due to her personal circumstances Ravna seeks out other Viera. Her main interest is finding clues in her hunt for her missing sister, but she also seeks to replace the family she lost.
Conjurer's Guild Missions
Although no longer a fulltime White Mage, Ravna has maintained close ties with the guild and is often called upon to assist when they are spread thin.
Those In Need
Ravna embraced the values of her teacher in the arts of Red Magic. If the poor or weak are unfairly treated, Ravna is always willing to lend a hand.